In order to develop a well structured and organized intranet that would fulfill all your requirements, you would have to follow the right intranet development guidelines.
Before you start developing your intranet, you need to do extensive research and an in-depth needs analysis to find out what exactly your requirements are and what you want to achieve. The intranet development guidelines will help and guide you during the different stages of the development process.
Intranet development guidelines – example questions you need to ask yourself would be:
- Why do you need an intranet
- Security and access rights for the intranet
- Types of content to be uploaded
- Requirements (Modules / Systems needed)
- Ownership of different modules
- Policies and procedures
- Technologies to be used
- Look and feel
- Intranet development budget
- Licensing of the software
- Maintenance and backup
- Etc.
If you follow the correct Intranet development guidelines you will not only ensure that the intranet is a success, your business will also be managed more effectively with audit trails on various processes and specific user rights for specific employees. Intranet development guidelines should also cover the management of the intranet, this will be done by a specific administrator/s or team. The administrator/s or team will be responsible for the management, maintenance and upgrades.