Business Articles
Interesting business articles which can help small and large businesses. Find out more about business processes, how to create intranets. Keep relevant and up to date with business trends and how to improve processes in corporate environments

Business Management
- Asset tracking – keep track of assets, those in use, in maintenance, registration information
- Business software system
- Barcoding software integrates into asset management, and allows for accurate tracking of assets
- How to grow your business
- Why create a business plan
- Managing stakeholders more efficiently
- Make informed decisions through analyzing and consolidate your business data
- Management software
- Lead management software
- Sales management system
- The benefits of complaints management software
- Sugar cane process management
- Vehicle dealership software
- Wine farm software
- Workflow software
- How to grow your business
- Managing stakeholders more effectively
- Maturing software
- Software customisation
- Intoweb solutions
- User Interface
- Workflow
- Benefits and features of complaints management software
- Intranet guidelines
- Browsers for software

Human Resources
- What does South African Human Resources Software need for compliance internationally?
- Train your staff effectively online learning using all their senses incorporating these elements into the learning
- Skills development
- Simplify, consolidate and manage disciplinary process within your company
- How does Youth Day affect current business practices
- Employee mentoring and coaching
- Online disciplinary process software
- Payroll systems
- The uses of CPD management software
- HRIS software vendor comparison
- Train your staff effectively online learning using all their senses
- Leave requirements for employees
- Leave management software basics
- Accounting clerk KPI example
- Skills development information

Financial management

Learner Management and Training
- How to use AI to create better training content
- Understand submission to ICT SETA. Register as a Skills Development Facilitator for ICT/ISETT SETA and do the employee submissions
- An online Learner Management System saves company time and enhances staff productivity and learner engagement. Train staff remotely, assess objectively, and consolidate training and reports.
- Assessment criteria marking templates using SAAQ criteria
- Induction Management Software
- Training scheduling and student timetable software
- SAQA Course Management
- Learner management software
- SETA skills submission process
- Student management system
- Software business solutions
- Course booking system
- Create an effective online assessment

IT in Business
- The advantages of PHP development
- The advantages and features of pastel integration
- Using SharePoint and Intoweb modules
- Can Artificial Intelligence replace human jobs
- Interoperability of software
- Vehicle Dealership Software
- Mobile development introduces CRM applications
- Google Intranet integration and related applications
- Understanding Intranet programming for non-developers

Intranets for Business
- Understanding Enterprise Resource Planning ERP
- ERP problems affecting businesses
- How to create a company intranet
- Intranet Best Practices
- Intranet development guidelines
- Intranet development plan
- Advantages of Intranets
- Difference between an extranet and intranet. An intranet is a private, internal network accessible only to an organization’s employees, while an extranet extends …….
- Intranet roll-out ideas
- Integrating fingerprint authentication into intranets
- Mobile development introduces CRM applications
- Optimise and save with asset management software
- Planning and creating an intranet
- The versatility of barcoding software
- Traffic fine management
- Customising software
- Intranet roll-out ideas
- Biometric fingerprint controls