A large portion of the South African economy stems from the agricultural sector, namely sugar cane. Intoweb offers a wide variety of online business solutions that can cater for business process management of sugar cane farms.
Multiple modules can be combined to create a unique business process software suite. From vehicle management to staff training and management, timesheets, to financial. Time and attendance to accurately log working hours of workers across multiple sites or stations, combined with our online leave package forms the basis for managing a sugar cane plantation online.
Intoweb’s payroll software is easy to use, and SARS compliant integrating into the leave and HR software, making managing the huge amount of admin streamlined, as well as recording information saving valuable time and money.
Where forms and process flow is needed, customised forms are created according to your unique needs. Documents can be stored, uploaded and downloaded such as procurement information, supplier contact details, calendar events, company and legal documents for CIPC, UIF, SDL and Department of Labour. The process flow software is easy to manage, and needs user rights access, which means that you can allocate the amount of access to information you want an employee to use. Farms workers can easily load their own sick notes, and disciplinary procedures can be tracked, recorded and reported on.

The sugar cane plantation process management software supports company administration and the running of the business and can be purchased as the module is needed. The software integrates into other Intoweb software modules easily, and management processes are facilitated objectively, meaning that steps cannot be overlooked or forgotten
Other software that can be incorporated into the sugar cane plantation processes are the CRM, recruitment, and dashboard, with a unique integration into Kiosk mode. The dashboard is a user portal, with widgets containing messages to staff, CEO news, company news, and directs staff to the correct module to use in a simple menu. Some of the software can be set up for mobi use such as staff leave, and staff training.
Contact Intoweb if you would like more information on process flow for sugar cane plantations and other similar farm businesses.