Skills development information

What does skills development entail, why is it important, and how can we implement it and how can software manage this process.

Organizations are required by the Department of Trade and Industry’s Codes of Good Practice for Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment to promote skills development, so they can ensure an adequate supply of skilled individuals within the broader South African economy.

Their skills development policy regulates skills development planning and execution, and assigns responsibility and accountability for these processes. Intoweb assists companies with their skills development procedures to ensure that companies adhere to the above policy of the DTI.

In addition to programmes for employees, Intoweb will assist your company to participate in skills development programmes as part of your contribution to social upliftment and human capital development.


Skills development is the broad term used for the training and development that the employer provides to his employees in the workplace, and also includes Workspace Skills Planning (WSP), Succession Planning and Learnerships. Companies often misinterpret the concept that only training provided by an outside training provider is classified under skills development, although on the job training also form a large part.

Workspace Skills Planning

The Implementation Report (IR) grant & WSP are central to establishing a demand-led skills development system. The IR assists employers to manage & monitor the achievement of skills development & skills priorities objectives as per the WSP. If variations exist between the WSP and IR, the IR can provide Skills Development Facilitators (SDF’s) with a tool to analyse any reasons for incomplete planned training.

The WSP is widely used to support:

  • Identification of imbalances when it comes to the supply & demand of skilled labour
  • Assessment of the training capacity to ensure the correct allocation of training resources
  • Assists employers to develop a strategic plan regarding the development of their employees and internal Skills Development


A need for faster qualification was identified and thus the government introduced the learnership system, so now employees can qualify within 12 – 18 months through on-the-job training. There are two important factors to a learnership as follows:

Theoretical Training

Normally delivered by a learnership accredited training institution or in-house accreditation learnership programs

Practical (on-the-job) Training

This includes on the job training where the employee employs his newly learned skills

Learnerships and apprenticeships are one in the same thing, with the big difference being that learnerships have a big intensity of training and tight control over the training delivered. Learnerships offer various financial and other advantages to any organization, especially if they are managed correctly & effectively.

Intoweb will assist you to reap the benefits of your Skills Development strategy, assisting you with more affective management thereof, detailed reporting & feedback, with an easy-to-use software system that’s remotely accessible by all employees.