Manage and track company assets with the Asset Management Software.
Upload asset register
- Import CSV / Excel
- Search
- Add
- View

Add assets
- Category
- Type
- Barcode information
- Serial number
- Manufacturers barcode
- Item / model
- Link to company / division
- Allocate to person
- Financial details
- Supplier information
- Disposal
- Image
- Active
- Inactive
- Stolen
- Broken
- Department / division using asset
- Employee linked to asset

- Category
- Depreciation type
- Percentage
- Cost
- Accumulated
- Assign book value
Manage collections and returns
- Manage assets according to code
- Identify items in or out of company
- Draw reports
- Track who us responsible for asset
- Track where assets are

- Asset register
- Insurance / incident claims
- Price list
- Service report
Expansion modules
- Vehicle management
- Procurement
- Budgeting

Why use asset management software
- Does your company have efficient asset tracking?
- Is lack of asset management costing your company their profits?
- Needing to give a list of assets for insurance purposes?
- Is asset management costing employee time when they could be concentrating on REAL work?
Online asset management software optimises asset records, management, improves budget control. Reduce theft, track asset maintenance, have asset reports to produce for management meetings.