Customer Relationship Manager
Manage customers and leads efficiently, record interactions and conversations. The CRM software enables follow up of potential leads and the conversion of lead to client / customer
Managing company details
- Add new, edit existing details
- Deactivate and archive
- Add in company registration, Vat numbers, company logo
- Record contact person / s
- Specific branch / province of contact
- Record and list contact persons details
- Record accounts email address
- Select currency for quote
- Select ‘Referred from’
- Select whether lead is commissionable or not
- Assign company to leads manager
- Notes for adding information pertinent to client
- Postal and physical address

Leads management
- Add / edit new leads
- Access leads, contact information
- Draw reports
- Import leads
Leads manager administration
- Set-up manager profile
- Set manager sales targets
- Allocate leads to manager
- Access leads, contact information
- Draw reports
- User rights mean manager have access to their leads only

Leads dashboard overview
- Lead cards
- Record client interaction
- Follow up with requests, products
- Access to my own leads
- New clients, existing clients, lost leads, new leads
- Create quote for leads
- Add products to quote
- Create taxable or non-taxable quote
- Track and search quote reference
- Edit quote details
- Convert quotes to invoices once accepted or paid
- Record created / accepted / declined quotes
- Email lead
- Print quote
- Specify quote start and end dates

Search functionality
- Search clients according to status e.g. active and inactive clients
- List contact type e.g. Client, student
- Advanced search
- Search client manager
Expansion software modules
- Financial modules
- Documents
- Learner management
- Invoicing software
- Work / process flow management
- Projects

- List existing clients
- New clients
- Lost leads
- Date specific
- Manager specific leads