
Requesting  and helpdesk system

The helpdesk system is software modules which centralize helpdesk requests and queries efficiently, managing your customer and employee support. The helpdesk software manages ticket information, helpdesk managers can transfer the ticket to the correct department and helpdesk operator, track and give prompt responses and keep your clients updated with email notifications

Ticket creation helpdesk

Ticket creation and tracking using the helpdesk system

As a ticket is submitted, it is assigned a reference number, which can be used to track resolution and escalation of the ticket request.

Each ticket contains information such as the customer’s issue, request details, and any submitted or relevant attachments.

Categorizing helpdesk tickets

Tickets are categorized according to the type of request, and allocated to the best support person to assist in solving the issue or request. Operators are assigned according to their expertise

escalation helpdesk

Prioritize and escalate tickets

Prioritize tickets according to the impact on the client / customer as well as the time in queue, means that tickets can be escalated timeously where necessary.   Helpdesk ticket queues are monitored by support managers to assist and streamline the resolution of issue

Notifications and feedback

Communication with our customers regarding the status of their tickets is important to us. Email notifications inform customers of ticket acceptance, and resolution, as well as serving as a form of communication where more information is needed for the resolution of the helpdesk ticket

helpdesk feedback

Historical data and archives

Completed tickets are archived as historical data for future reference. Audit trails show the journey of the ticket from start to finish, ensuring continuity between Support persons.


Make informed decisions with accurate reporting, and insights into the ticket requests.

helpdesk reporting

Frequently asked questions about the Intoweb helpdesk system

Can the helpdesk grow with the company?
Yes, you can add multiples departments, divisions of areas within the company. Tickets are sent to the relevant client or support manager within that department

Can I get to ‘old’ tickets?
Yes, tickets are dated, recorded and archived

Who attends to the tickets?
Tickets are assigned to managers / employees allocated on the system

Can I integrate the helpdesk software into the HR module?
Yes, the administrator can view tickets per employee, and employee or contractor HR information follows through to the software, such as contact details.

Are there helpdesk notifications?
Yes, ticket notifications can be set according to who must receive them