
Membership Software

Intoweb’s membership management manages membership applications, contact information and membership status.  Optimize your membership processes with our all-in-one membership management software, a powerful tool which combines the membership management software with training and collaboration modules.

Membership database management

Membership systems for corporate, educational, and e-commerce sectors. Record contact details, membership types, membership payments. Link membership products, upload membership documents, change membership status.

scalability for member growth

Membership details

  • Registration information of company or individual
  • Contact information
  • Contact person in company
  • Address
  • Company VAT number
  • Member’s Name
  • Forms requirements specific to company
  • Industry details

Events and products portal

  • Create members event
  • Add events to calendar
  • Download documentation
  • Upload members payments for events
  • e-Commerce portal link for courses, online training

Confidentiality and security controls

Intoweb Business’ Membership management Software is committed to strict confidentiality and security controls, keeping your members information safe.

Course membership

  • Enrol members on courses
  • Manage payments
  • Integrates into the Learner Management Software
Software integration
Software integration

Software integration

  • Integrates into other Intoweb Software seamlessly,
  • Financial Modules
  • Quotes and Invoicing software
  • Learner Management software
  • Collaboration software
  • CRM and Leads software
  • Event management

Generate invoices and statements for members

Invoices and statements generated from the software, allow your members can keep up to date on what is owed, how much they have paid, and what is owing. Membership administrators can track payments, disable and enable users accordingly, and keep up to date with payment records.

quotes and invoice for member
membership payments

 Payment processing

Integrates into payment gateways for membership fee processing, upload documentation for access and storage.

  • Payment history
  • Outstanding payments
  • Recurring payments

Event management

Plan, organize and manage online, and In-person events. Register members using the forms software, track attendance and create followup communication for future events.


Communication and member engagement

The membership software incorporates notification of upcoming events, newsletters, announcements, online forums and discussion groups.

  • Membership event payments
  • Event details
  • Event application process

Reporting and analytics

Generate detailed reports of members data, statistics and financial areas of the membership software

members reporting
membership access control

Member access

Allow members to upload documentation, profile pictures and information to the membership portal. Members have unique logins and can view their information, events or training

Frequently asked questions regarding the Intoweb management software

Can the software track membership manage membership information? 

Yes, membership information can bee added, imported, edited and disabled. Information can be accessed according to user rights eg the user can manage their own information, whereas the administrator will be able to see theirs and other applicable members such as in their region or province.

  • Can members pay their fees using the portal link?
    Yes, online payments can be linked, proof of payments can be uploaded and allocated
  • Can the software integrate into other software?
    All the Intoweb modules can be integrated
  • Is the member information safe?
    Intoweb does server protection and there is user rights access to content. A dual responsibility is needed for users to not give security logins to unauthorised users.