Invoicing System
Software to automate the creation and management of invoices. Manage and maintain financial records with the Invoicing software. The invoicing software streamlines the process of billing clients and tracking payments allows for efficient managing of outstanding moneys, and can be placed as a once off invoice or recurring invoicing structure.
Client details
- Contact information
- Line of business
- Contact person / account administrator
- Accounts manager to which invoices should be emailed
- Tel number, cellphone number, email addresses, postal addresses
- Upload company logo

Create invoices
- Monthly recurring
- Standalone invoices
- Convert quote and proforma invoice to invoices
- Print / email created invoices
- Add items in conjunction with the products module
- unique invoice number
Company details
- Setup the details on the invoicing software to show on the invoice
- Company registration number
- Set up as taxable or not (vat or non-vat)
- Vat
- Bank account details

Invoice administration
- Invoice contains company details
- Shows itemized information, with costing
- Select person from company profile to receive account email
- Create once-off / ad hoc invoice or recurring monthly invoice
- Modify date of invoice being sent
- Add or remove items
- Auto calculation of invoice total
- Notes field
- Individual item costing
- Print invoice
Invoice recording
- Statement automatically updated
- Credit note function
- View all created invoices for client
- Outstanding invoices / amounts highlighted
- View all outstanding invoices to company
- Invoice creator recorded

Add payments
- Amount paid per bank
- Link to invoice number
- Add date of payment
- Records person capturing payment
- Add as bulk amount, and allocate to various invoices
- Add method of payment e.g. debit order, eft
- Automatic calculations and update of total owing
- View invoice linked to payment history
- Highlighted non=paid invoices
Invoice details
- Creator of invoice
- Invoice status eg authorised
- Items being invoiced for
- Total
- Vat amount
- option to email, print
- PO information (number)

Proforma invoices
- Create proforma invoice
- Add items, remove items not accepted
- Record client acceptance of proforma invoice / quote
- Convert to invoice
Purchase orders
- Link purchase order number
- Upload PO document
- Links PO to invoice and relevant payment

- Updated as invoice created or payment added
- Select statement according to date range
- Print, email statements
How can we become more time-efficient using invoicing software?
Use the recurring invoice option, where invoices are automatically sent out on a pre-selected date.
How do I know the invoices were sent?
I duplicate email is sent to the accounts department
I’ve made a mistake on the items of costing of the invoice, now what?
Invoices, including automated invoices, can be edited by the accounts administrator before payment.
Clients use different refences with payments?
Invoices on the invoice system can be searched using different criteria such as invoice number, name, part of the company name, invoice amount.
How do I make it clear what the client has paid for?
The invoice has a comment, and a small note section to add in information eg Payment June 2020 monthly license. The item itself also has specifics of the item