leads management

What does the lead software do?

The Intoweb Lead Management Software tracks, manages and records interactions with potential clients / customers.  Capture, track, nurture and manage leads to improve efficiency and conversion rates from lead to sale. Streamline and record lead interaction so that potential clients don’t fall through the cracks or move to your competition

Input leads

  • Add new leads
  • Identify products they are interested in
  • View current leads
  • Leads linked to client manager
  • Records interaction
  • Import functionality
  • Leads according to date


  • Notes for recording information
  • Schedule meetings
  • Send messages
  • Online conferencing


  • Categories of leads
  • Managers


Access  your leads
User rights access

Considering improving your lead management?

Here is a comparison between online lead management software or manual lead management?

Online lead management software Manual lead management
Time Automated processes improve tracking and reduce time and effort, increasing profitability More errors, time-consuming
Accessibility of data Centralised data base, improved continuity of lead requests even when staff change. Real time updates and records Loss of records, not all members can access content, confusion regarding client managers, loss of information
Leads processing Use data to improve decision-making, improve strategic planning. Limited ability to track performance and trends